A command line facsimile utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem


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MLO2TIFF is a utility to put facsimiles received with the ELSA MicroLink Office modem into TIFF/F files.

The ELSA MicroLink Office modem has a flash memory for fax and voice reception without PC. It can store up to 70 facsimile pages. For more information about this modem visit the Home Page of the Neue ELSA GmbH, please.

MLO2TIFF can process facsimile files from the modem's memory. It stores them as TIFF Class F files into the current directory. The file names are taken from the modem's virtual file system and usually have the format "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.tif" (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second of the time of reception).

2001-09-11: Version 0.2 available!

Changes against version 0.1:


MLO2TIFF is designed to work on UNIX® systems.

You must have the TIFF library version 3.5 installed. You can get the TIFF library at the TIFF Software Home Page.

MLO2TIFF was build an tested with Linux® kernel version 2.4.8.


NOTICE: MLO2TIFF is under development. The current version 0.2 ist a second release. It may contain tons of bugs. Use it on your own risk. You can help me to make MLO2TIFF better if you send me an email with your experiences with MLO2TIFF.

TXTmlo2tiff-0.2.lsm422 BytesLinux® Software Map
TGZmlo2tiff-0.2.tar.gz67,955 BytesGzipped Source Archive

Related projects


A KDE-based utility to configure the ELSA MicroLink Office modem.


A KDE-based utility to process facsimiles received with the ELSA MicroLink Office modem.


A KDE-based voice message utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem.


A utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem with HylaFAXTM.


A utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem with mgetty+sendfax.

Legal information


MLO2TIFF is free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). No warranty is granted for any kind of damages which may be caused by installation or use of this software!


Any other trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.

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© Oliver Gantz / webmaster at gantz-edv.de / 2003-03-25