KMLOCfg | KMLOFax | KMLOVoice [zur deutschen Seite] 
A KDE-based facsimile utility for ELSA MicroLink Office modems

KMLOFax is a KDE-based utility to process facsimiles received with a modem of the ELSA MicroLink Office family.

The modems of the ELSA MicroLink Office family have a flash memory for fax and voice reception without PC. They can store up to 70 facsimile pages. For more information about these modems visit the Home Page of the Neue ELSA GmbH, please.

KMLOFax can load the facsimiles from the modem into files on your local data directory. You can view the contents of those files on your screen or send them as PostScript® to your printer. Moreover received facsimiles can be sent as email.

KMLOFax Screenshot

KMLOFax for KDE 1.x

2001-02-06: Version 1.0 final available!

Changes against version 0.6.3:

  • Fixed a bug in the PostScript® output.

KMLOFax 2 Screenshot

KMLOFax for KDE 2.x

2002-01-16: Version 2.1-rc3 available!

Changes against version 2.1-rc2:

  • Fixed a bug in the Export Dialog.
  • Use TIFF instead of PostScript® for email sending.

This is a release candidate for version 2.1 final. Please report all kind of bugs (even typos) quickly.

Changes against version 2.0:

  • Activated USB support for the MicroLink Office II and the MicroLink ISDN Office.
  • Added support for the MicroLink Office II and the MicroLink ISDN Office.
  • Introduced new preview dialog with thumbnails and multiple windows.
  • Added support for external viewers.
  • Introduced new print dialog.
  • Introduced subfolders for facsimile documents.
  • Introduced drag-and-drop for facsimile documents.
  • Facsimile documents are saved as TIFF Class F files.
  • Improved compatiblity to KDE 2.2.

KMLOFax 3 Screenshot

KMLOFax for KDE 3.x

New! 2007-05-03: Version 3.0.1 available!

Changes against version 3.0:

  • Improved compatiblity with current software libraries.


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 · Roadmap

 · Technical tips

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KMLOFax is designed to work on UNIX® systems with the K Desktop Environment (KDE). The following things have to be installed on your system in order to build and use KMLOFax:

KMLOFax for KDE 1.x

KMLOFax for KDE 2.x

KMLOFax for KDE 3.x


KMLOFax for KDE 1.x

TXTkmlofax-1.0.lsm606 BytesLinux® Software Map
TGZkmlofax-1.0.tar.gz326,867 BytesGzipped Source Archive

KMLOFax for KDE 2.x

TXTkmlofax-2.0.lsm551 BytesLinux® Software Map
TGZkmlofax-2.0.tar.gz431,903 BytesGzipped Source Archive
TXTkmlofax-2.1-rc3.lsm554 BytesLinux® Software Map
TGZkmlofax-2.1-rc3.tar.gz440,596 BytesGzipped Source Archive

KMLOFax for KDE 3.x

TXTkmlofax-3.0-pre2.lsm555 BytesLinux® Software Map
TGZkmlofax-3.0-pre2.tar.gz473,196 BytesGzipped Source Archive
TXTkmlofax-3.0.lsm544 BytesLinux® Software Map
TGZkmlofax-3.0.tar.gz650,052 BytesGzipped Source Archive
TGZkmlofax-3.0.1.tar.gz648,950 BytesGzipped Source Archive


Plannings for future releases

The ELSA AG in Aachen, Germany, is out of business. It seems that the Neue ELSA GmbH will take over the MicroLink Office products. In spite of this bankruptcy there will be updates for KMLOFax from time to time in the future. Currently I'm revising the printing system of KMLOFax. The next version will use the standard KDE printing system.

Technical tips

The ELSA MicroLink ISDN Office and Linux®

Connection to an internet service provider

The MicroLink ISDN Office is an ISDN terminaladaptor with serial and USB interface. It behaves like a normal analog modem with extended AT command set. Thus the connection to an internet service provider can be done like it would be a modem. If your provider doesn't support the protocol X.75 on the B-channel, which can be noticed by the message "NO CARRIER" after dialing, you can try the modem command AT$IBP=HDLCP for modem initialization.

The USB interface

The MicroLink ISDN Office conforms to the Universal Serial Bus Communication Device Class Abstract Control Model (USB CDC ACM). Thus it can be used also under Linux® both with the serial interface and through the USB interface.

Under Linux® with kernel version 2.4 it is done with the ACM driver. The following kernel modules have to be loaded:

The MicroLink ISDN Office then can be accessed over the special file /dev/usb/ttyACM0. If this file does not exist, you can create it with mknod /dev/usb/ttyACM0 c 166 0. Please consider the access rights of the users.


The reception of facsimiles is done without PC. The received facsimiles can be processed with KMLOFax version 2.1 or higher. The sending of facsimiles doesn't work yet because the MicroLink ISDN Office doesn't understand class 1 or class 2 fax commands. Alternatively you can connect an analog fax modem to one of the analog telephone ports.

Related projects


A KDE-based utility to configure the ELSA MicroLink Office modem.


A KDE-based voice message utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem.


A utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem with HylaFAXTM.


A utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem with mgetty+sendfax.


A command line facsimile utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem.

Legal information


KMLOFax is free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). No warranty is granted for any kind of damages which may be caused by installation or use of this software!


Any other trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.

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© Oliver Gantz / webmaster at / 2007-05-03