
Dolby Surround sound for Linux

[zur deutschen Seite]




SRND is a Linux device driver for the miroMEDIA Surround Dolby Pro Logic decoder.

[Specifications] The miroMEDIA Surround decoder is an ISA PnP board which enhances the audio capabilities of already existing audio components. It allows to connect a complete Dolby Pro Logic Surround sound system with five speakers. Furthermore the board provides Surround sound with only two speakers connected through the JVC 3D-Phonic® technology.

SRND provides a software interface for Linux. The special file /dev/srnd is created that corresponds with a kernel module. Through this interface an application can control the miroMEDIA Surround board.

2001-01-07: Version 1.3 available!

      Name                              Size  Description

[LSM] srnd-1.3.lsm 431 bytes Linux Software Map [TAR] srnd-1.3.tar.gz 22,168 bytes Unix Tape Archive

SRND version 1.3 works with Linux kernel versions 2.0.x, 2.2.x and 2.4.x.

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KSrnd Panel

KSrnd is a control panel for the miroMEDIA Surround under Linux with the K Desktop Environment (KDE).

For the installation and use of this control panel you need SRND Version 1.0 or higher, X11, Qt Version 1.4x (not 2.x) and KDE Version 1.1.x (not 2.x).

KDE Home
      Name                              Size  Description

[LSM] ksrnd-0.98.lsm 526 bytes Linux Software Map [TAR] ksrnd-0.98.tar.gz 280,893 bytes Unix Tape Archive

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GSrnd for GNOME

GSrnd Panel

GSrnd for GNOME is a control panel for the miroMEDIA Surround under Linux with the GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME). The picture shows GSrnd with the Enlightenment window manager and the ShinyMetal theme.

For installation and use of GSrnd you need SRND Version 1.0 or higher, X11 and GNOME 1.0.

      Name                              Size  Description

[LSM] gnome-srnd-0.1.lsm 461 bytes Linux Software Map [TAR] gnome-srnd-0.1.tar.gz 193,901 bytes Unix Tape Archive

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GSrnd for GTK+

GSrnd Panel

GSrnd for GTK+ is a control panel for the miroMEDIA Surround under Linux with The GIMP Toolkit GTK+.

For installation and use of GSrnd you need SRND Version 1.0 or higher, X11 and GTK+ Version 1.2.

      Name                              Size  Description

[LSM] gsrnd-0.91.lsm 455 bytes Linux Software Map [TAR] gsrnd-0.91.tar.gz 106,772 bytes Unix Tape Archive

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XView Surround

XView Surround Panel

XView Surround is a control panel for the miroMEDIA Surround under Linux with X11 and XView3.2.

For installation and use of XView Surround you need SRND Version 1.0 or higher and the XView3.2 libraries and header files. The OPEN LOOK® window manager (olwm/olvwm) is not needed.

      Name                              Size  Description

[LSM] xvsrnd-0.93.lsm 525 bytes Linux Software Map [TAR] xvsrnd-0.93.tar.gz 17,599 bytes Unix Tape Archive

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Legal information

License: SRND, KSrnd, GSrnd, XView Surround and MSrnd are free software and are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). No warranty is granted for any kind of damages which may be caused by installation or use of this software!

Credits: Many thanks to the miroMEDIA GmbH in Braunschweig for sending programming information to me. Without this help it would not have been possible to develop the SRND driver.


Any other trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.

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© Oliver Gantz / Oliver.Gantz@ePost.de / 2001-12-11